Number Rockets First Grade Math Intervention

Number Rockets is a Tier 2 small group tutoring instruction for 1st grade that teaches students to increase their fluency on addition and subtraction facts.

Students learn to:

  1. Identify and write numbers
  2. Identify more and less objects
  3. Sequence numbers
  4. Use <, >, and = signs
  5. Skip counting by 10s, 5s, and 2s
  6. Identify place value
  7. Identify operations
  8. Write addition and subtraction sentences
  9. Learn addition and subtraction facts
  10. Learn two-digit addition and two-digit subtraction
  11. Learn missing addends

Product Details:

  • The program has 2 volumes. Book 1 contains the teacher scripts and Book 2 contains the supplemental materials.
  • Number Rockets Book 1 in Paper Unit Price: (501-M) $40.00
  • Number Rockets Book 2 in Paper or Pen Drive Unit Price: (502-M) $55.00
  • Optional – Number Rockets Flash Cards Unit Price: (500-FC) $25.00
  • Student Rewards and Recognition program has students earning points during each lesson when all students are on task. Being on task means listening carefully, working hard, and following directions. When students’ point sheet is all filled up, they get to pick a prize from the prize bag.
  • This program has 17 topics / lessons that can be implemented for up to 17 weeks with 40-minute sessions 3 times a week.
  • Authors: Lynn Fuchs, Kim Paulsen, & Douglas Fuchs

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Number Rockets is also being used in collaboration with Penn State University and Clearinghouse for military family readiness.

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Galaxy Math First Grade Intervention

Galaxy Math Cover Page
The Galaxy Math program includes a comprehensive Tier I and Tier II intervention designed to provide supplemental understanding to 1 – 3 students to build a robust foundation for students struggling with first-grade mathematics. Galaxy Math relies on tutor instruction, guided activities, and math games to increase students’ proficiency with counting numbers, understanding the basics of addition and subtraction, and utilizing manipulatives and tools for success. Features of the program include the following:

    1. Counting on a number line
    2. Identifying numbers smaller and larger than a given number
    3. Defining key mathematical terms
    4. Introducing tools for addition and subtraction
    5. Utilizing families of numbers for addition and subtraction
    6. Galaxy Math incorporates a space theme to increase student interest. The theme is carried throughout the program in the lessons and activities.

Program Details

  • Galaxy Math’s unit price with Supplemental Materials in Paper (1901-M) $90.00
    Galaxy Math’s unit price with Supplemental Materials on USB Drive (1901-PD) $75.00
  • Galaxy Math’s unit price with Supplemental Materials on a CD (1901-CD) $75.00

Galaxy Math Cover

  • The program includes a Tutor Manual with scripted instruction for each of the 45 Galaxy Math Lessons; Activity Guides to core lesson components; and a Fidelity of Treatment Checklist. The program also includes a Supplemental Materials Packet with student worksheets, posters, flash cards, game boards, and behavior supports. The behavioral expectation component allows students to earn stickers and receive prizes when demonstrating on-task behaviors.
  • Galaxy Math is designed to be conducted to students one-on-one three times each week for 15 school weeks. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes.
  • Galaxy Math Tutoring does not replace your first-grade math curriculum. It is supplementary instruction for struggling students. During each session, the tutor begins with a game (Meet or Beat Your Score), teaches a lesson to the student, and closes with another game (Bingo, Aliens, or Star Race).
  • Tutors can be mathematics specialists, special education teachers, or anyone trained in the delivery of the intervention. Training in Galaxy Math is highly recommended to understanding the scope of the program. Training also allows tutors to ask questions as they prepare to use the program in ways that meet their students’ needs.
  • If you are interested in scheduling training, please complete this form activated by the link below. One of our training specialists will contact you.



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Pirate Math 2nd and 3rd Grade Interventions Overview:

Welcome to Pirate Math! Pirate Math comprises whole-class (Tier 1 or primary prevention) and small-group (Tier 2 or secondary prevention) levels of word-problem instruction for use with students at 2nd and 3rd Grade instructional levels. The focus of Pirate Math is single-digit and double-digit word problems of three types: total problems (where parts are combined to result in a total), difference problems (where quantities are compared to result in a difference), and change problems (where an event happens to change a starting amount, which results in an ending amount). All teacher-directed lessons prepared as scripts to help convey instructions to the class.

1st Grade Small Group Intervention:

Pirate Math: Word-Problem Solving at First Grade is designed as an intervention supplement to your school’s core (Tier 1) mathematics program. The individual or small-group activities, when conducted with appropriate levels of fidelity, effectively teach students with math difficulty to:

  • focus on and identify the underlying conceptual framework of three types of word problems (i.e., Total, Difference, and Change problems);
  • identify and ignore extraneous information;
  • set up an equation to correspond to the structure of the word problem types;
  • solve for the missing information, as expressed in the equation;
  • teach calculation strategies for helping students solve for missing numbers in equations;
  • self-evaluate the reasonableness of solutions; and ensure students have the foundational number knowledge for success with these skills.

Product Details:

  • Pirate Math 1st Grade Tutoring Program Manual with Supplemental Materials in Paper (all-inclusive) Unit Price: (2101-PD) $85.00
  • Pirate Math 1st Grade Tutoring Program Manual with Supplemental Materials on Pen Drive: (2101-M) $75.00
  • This manual and supplemental materials packet contains the tutor lessons and student materials necessary to implement Pirate Math Small-Group Intervention.
  • Authors: Lynn S. Fuchs, Caitlin Craddock, Pamela M. Seethaler, & Doug Fuchs

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2nd Grade Whole Class Intervention:

Pirate Math Whole-Class Instruction program is designed for students at-risk for difficulty with math. Scientific evaluations of Pirate Math indicate that not-at-risk and at-risk second-grade students make greater progress with Pirate Math compared to students who do not participate in Pirate Math on assessments of word problems.

Product Details:

  • Pirate Math 2nd Grade Whole Class Program Manual with Supplemental Materials in Paper (all-inclusive) Unit Price: (901-M) $85.00

Pirate Math 2nd Grade Whole Class Program Manual with Supplemental Materials on CD or Pen Drive: (901-CD & 901-PD) $75.00

  • This manual and supplemental materials packet contains the tutor lessons and student materials necessary to implement Pirate Math Small-Group Intervention.
  • Authors: Lynn S. Fuchs, Sarah R. Powell, Robin F. Schumacher, Pamela M. Seethaler, & Doug Fuchs

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2nd Grade Small Group Intervention:

This tutoring program is designed for not-at-risk as well as at-risk students. This program emphasizes single-digit and double-digit word problems under three schema: Total, Difference, and Change. In the Total problem, Parts P1 and P2 are put together in a total (T). In the Difference problem, two amounts are compared: a bigger amount (B) and a smaller amount (s) for a difference (D). In a Change problem, there is a starting amount (ST) that increased or decreases, reflecting a change (C) into an end amount (E).

Product Details:

  • Pirate Math 2nd Grade Tutoring Program Manual with Supplemental Materials in Paper (all-inclusive) Unit Price: (902-TM) $85.00
  • Pirate Math 2nd Grade Tutoring Program Manual with Supplemental Materials on CD or Pen Drive: (902-TCD & 902-TPD) $75.00
  • This manual contains the teacher lessons and student materials for conducting Pirate Math small group tutoring instruction.
  • The Student Rewards and Recognition activities have students earning points during each lesson by following directions, being on task, and answering questions correctly. When students have enough points, they get to pick a prize from the treasure chest.
  • 39 lessons included in the program: 13 week implementation schedule 30 minute sessions, 3 times a week.
  • Authors: Lynn S. Fuchs, Sarah R. Powell, Robin F. Schumacher, Pamela M. Seethaler, & Doug Fuchs

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Dig Deeper into the Literature:

Fuchs, L. S., Powell, S. R., Cirino, P. T., Schumacher, R. F., Marrin, S., Hamlett, C. L., … Changas, P. C. (2014). Does calculation or word-problem instruction provide a stronger route to prealgebraic knowledge? Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 990-1006.

Powell, S. R., Fuchs, L. S., Cirino, P. T., Fuchs, D., Compton, D. L., & Changas, P. C. (in press). Effects of a multitier support system on calculation, word problem, and pre algebraic learning among at-risk learners. Exceptional Children.

3rd Grade Small Group Intervention:

This tutoring program is designed for not-at-risk as well as at-risk students. These individual tutoring activities effectively teach students with math difficulties to:

  • focus on and identify the underlying conceptual framework of three types of word problems (i.e., Total, Difference, and Change problems)
  • identify and ignore extraneous information
  • set up an algebraic equation to correspond to the structure of word problems
  • solve for the missing variable (i.e., “X”), as expressed in the algebraic equation
  • self-evaluate the reasonableness of solutions

Product Details:

  • Pirate Math 3rd Grade Tutoring Program Manual with Supplemental Materials in Paper (all-inclusive) Unit Price: (903-TM) $85.00
  • Pirate Math 3rd Grade Tutoring Program Manual with Supplemental Materials on CD or Pen Drive: (903-TCD & 903-TPD) $75.00
  • This manual contains the teacher lessons and student materials for conducting Pirate Math small group tutoring instruction.
  • The Student Rewards and Recognition activities have students earning points during each lesson by following directions, being on task, and answering questions correctly. When students have enough points, they get to pick a prize from the treasure chest.
  • Pirate Math is conducted with three lessons per week for 16 weeks (48 lessons) with each lesson taking 25-30 min to complete.
  • Authors: Lynn S. Fuchs, Pamela M. Seethaler, Sarah R. Powell, and Doug Fuchs

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Math Wise Second Grade Intervention

Math Wise Calculation and Computation Program is intended for 2nd grade whole-class and small group levels of math instruction. The program focuses on instruction of single-and double-digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping in terms of calculations and the associated concepts.

The proven benefits of this program are:

  1. Motivates students to be better in math by involving all students
  2. Gives lower-performing students an opportunity to play an important role in a valued activity
  3. Fosters positive and productive peer interactions
  4. Reinforces math skills needed for solving a problem

Product Details:

  • Math Wise Manual with Supplemental Materials in Paper (all-inclusive) Unit Price: (701-M) $85.00
  • Math Wise Manual with Supplemental Materials on CD or Pen Drive: (701-CD & 701-PD) $75.00
  • Materials included in this manual include Activity Guides, Transparencies, Posters, Fidelity Checklists and The Student Materials Packet.
  • Activities part of the rewards and recognition have students earning the opportunity to lead specific assignments based on the total points awarded. Students award themselves points by answering questions correctly on the Time Owl and the Practice Sheet. The Teacher awards points for pairs who are following the Partner Rules. Pairs working well together are recognized as Partners of the Day and earn a reward (i.e., special pencil).
  • There are 34 lessons in this program with a 17 week implementation schedule of 45 minute sessions 2 times a week.
  • Authors: Lynn S. Fuchs, Sarah R. Powell, & Doug Fuchs

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Fraction Face-Off! Fourth Grade Intervention

Fraction Face-Off! is a Tier 2 tutoring program designed to promote fraction understanding for at-risk learners in 4th grade.

The program uses explicit instruction to mainly emphasize the measurement interpretation of fractions, which includes understanding the magnitude of fractions, comparing fraction sizes, ordering three fractions, placing fractions on a 0 -1 number line, adding and subtracting fractions, solving word problems that require multiplicative reasoning, finding fractions = ½ with multiplication; finding fractions = 1 with multiplication, and converting mixed to improper; converting improper to mixed.

The program incorporates a sports theme and has a football game challenge at the conclusion of the program for students to practice their knowledge of fraction concepts and to increase student interest while learning fraction vocabulary. All teacher-directed lessons prepared as scripts to help convey instructions to the class during small group tutoring.

The Student Rewards and Recognition activities have students earning Fraction Money after successfully completing activities during the Program. Fraction Money is redeemed for prizes provided by the educator.

Product Details:

  • Fraction Face-Off! Manual with Supplemental Materials in Paper: (1301-M) $85.00
  • Fraction Face-Off! Manual with Supplemental Materials on CD or a Pen Drive: (1301-CD) & (1301-PD) $75.00
  • Optional – Purchase manipulatives already prepared in the Implementation Ready Pack (IRP) that includes materials for 12 students and templates available in the manual to make additional copies: (1300-IRP) $75.00
  • Schedule – 36 lessons divided into a 12-week implantation schedule with 30-35 minute sessions 3 times a week.
  • Authors – Lynn Fuchs, Ph.D., Robin Schumacher, Ph.D., Amelia Malone, Ph.D., and Doug Fuchs, Ph.D.
  • 2015 Revised Edition

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Hot Math Third Grade Intervention

Hot Math is a Tier 1 program for 3rd grade focused on word problem solving strategies. Students learn to get “hot” in math by practicing skills such as practicing, working on mistakes, asking for help, and checking their work. All teacher-directed lessons prepared as scripts to help convey information and instruction to the whole class and when students work in assigned pairs or small groups.

Activities include:

  1. Buying Bags – Using addition, subtraction or multiplication to solve word problems; ignoring irrelevant information; transferring math skills.
  2. Shopping List – Students learn to define the problem; organize their work and prepare neat work; solve problems with multiple steps.
  3. Half – Students learn to find equal halves of a number or object to solve a problem.
  4. Pictograph – Solving problems from pictographs.

The benefits of this program are that it motivates students to be better in math, involves all students, gives lower-performing students an opportunity to play an important role in a valued activity, fosters positive and productive peer interactions, helps students organize their work and produce neat work, and reinforces math skills needed for solving a problem.

The program is divided into 5 units and teaches the following skills:

  • Unit One – the basics of checking over finished work.
  • Unit Two – how to solve word problems that deal with buying things in groups.
  • Unit Three – how to solve word problems that deal with buying things in groups.
  • Unit Four – how to solve multi-step problems dealing with buying multiple things at multiple prices.
  • Unit Five – how to solve pictographs and to use the information to answer questions.

Product Details:

  • Hot Math Complete Program with Supplemental Materials in Paper: (1101-M) $85.00
  • Hot Math Complete Program with Supplemental Materials on CD or Pen Drive: (1101-CD & 1101-PD) $75.00
  • The Student Rewards and Recognition activities have students earning points by answering questions correctly and for using the five behaviors of checking their work. Partners of the Day are recognized and earn a reward (i.e., special pencil) for being on task, talking only about math with their partner, offering help, and checking their answer sheets.
  • This program has 30 sessions with a 13-week implementation schedule covering 5 topics, with 6 days of work, making up twenty 30-minute sessions 3 times a week.
  • Authors: Douglas Fuchs, Lynn S. Fuchs, Caitlin F. Craddock, Kurstin N. Hollenbeck
  • 2016 Revised Edition Appendices

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Super Solvers 4th & 5th Grade Fractions Intervention

The Super Solvers program includes a comprehensive Tier II fractions intervention designed to build a solid foundation in fraction concepts among students at-risk for mathematics difficulties. Super Solvers relies on explicit instruction to increase students’ proficiency with assessing fraction magnitude, solving fraction word problems, and solving fraction calculation programs. Features of the program include the following:

  1. Comparing two fractions
  2. Ordering three fractions
  3. Placing fractions on a 0-1 and 0-2 number line
  4. Solving fraction word problems
  5. Solving fraction calculation problems

The program incorporates a superhero theme to increase student interest. The theme is carried throughout the program in the stories and activity names.

Product Details

  • Super Solvers unit price with Supplemental Materials in Paper (1701-M) $135.00
  • Super Solvers unit price with Supplemental Materials on USB Drive (1701-PD) $125.00
  • Super Solvers unit price with Supplemental Materials on CD (1701-CD) $125.00
  • The program includes a Teacher’s manual with scripted instruction for each of the 39 Super Solvers Lessons, 9 strategy cards to reinforce the appropriate problem-solving strategies, 3 sets of flash cards, and fidelity sheets.
    Super Solvers includes a behavior expectations component by allowing students to earn money and purchase prizes when demonstrating on tasks behaviors.
  • Super Solvers is designed to be delivered three times each week for 13 weeks to dyads or small groups of students.
  • Each lesson is approximately 40-45 minutes.
  • Strategy cards are used throughout the program to assist the teacher in supporting students in learning the appropriate problem-solving strategies to solve the various problem types.
  • The program includes a 29 lesson supplementary fraction calculations component “Calculations Quest” focused on fraction addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
  • The Super Solvers comic book, Brain Boost Adventures, is used in each lesson to promote executive function and self-regulated learning in a creative and entertaining way for student engagement.
  • Training in Super Solvers is highly recommended to understanding the scope of the program. Training also allows teachers to ask questions as they prepare to use the program in ways that meet their students’ needs.

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