Computation Fluency Math Assessment Tool

This math assessment tool is for kindergarten and used to screen for future mathematics disabilities by testing conceptual mathematical outcomes. Assessing a student’s computation fluency in the fall of kindergarten helps to forecast the student’s risk level for future mathematics disabilities at the end of first grade.

Product Details:

  • Computation Fluency Manual Unit Price: (201-M) $25.00
  • Authors: Pamela M. Seethaler and Lynn S. Fuchs
  • This is a curriculum based measurement.

Dive Deeper into the Literature:

Seethaler, P. M., & Fuchs, L. S. (2010). The predictive utility of kindergarten screening for math difficultyExceptional Children77(1), 37-59.

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Super Challenge Math Assessments

These assessments are to be used as a form of progress monitoring for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade math students.

3rd Grade Skill Groups:

  • Comparing (Easy)
  • Comparing (Hard)
  • Find the missing number
  • Ordering
  • Number Line
  • Multiplication

4th and 5th  Grades Skill Groups:

  • Comparing (Easy)
  • Comparing (Hard)
  • Find X
  • Ordering (Easy)
  • Ordering (Hard)
  • Number Line
  • Multiplication


A Super Challenge (SC) graph is used in order to help students monitor their progress. Students can see how fast and how much they improve on each SC. The goal listed on the top of the graph is for the student to beat their highest score each time she/he takes a SC. Furthermore, the SC graph includes a chart that groups the 20 problem types into the subsets of skill types listed above. This chart allows students to visualize and assess their progress on each skill group for each SC. Students are given seven minutes to complete as many problems as they can. Administrators should read the bolded portion of the script to the students and follow directives that are italicized. For all grade levels, SC 1 is given as a pretest before content is taught to the children and SC 8 is given as a post-test after teaching on the content has been completed.

Product Details:

  • Super Challenge Manual Unit Price: (202-M) $45.00
  • Materials include administration script, student progress graph, 8 tests and answers.
  • This is a curriculum based measurement.
  • Authors: Lynn Fuchs, Robin Schumacher, Rebecca Abramson, Ashlyn King, Sarah Krowka, Amber Wang, Amelia Malone, Rachel Pachmayr, Doug Fuchs

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